Saturday, October 23, 2010

Adaptation: All Hallows Eve

This morning I had an enlightening conversation about the origins of Halloween with two unlikely characters: Darth Vader and the Cheshire Cat (played magnificently by my son and daughter).

"Where does this Halloween tradition come from?"
"It comes form 'Samhain', the ancient Celtic festival in which the ancestors are honored as they pass between this world and the Otherworld. Bonfires are lit, people give thanks for the bountiful harvest, and purification rituals acknowledge the passing of one year into the next."
"Well if it appears to be a Pagan tradition, why do Christians celebrate it?"
"Because Pope Gregory III moved the Christian holiday 'All Saints Day' from May to November 1st in an attempt to steal some of this celebratory thunder and put out the Pagan fire."
"Well what do witches have to do with Halloween and why do they always look scary and green with a wart on their nose?"
"Well, my darlings, witches and druids are people who have learned to harness their power - the power we all have within us. But often is the case where powerful people are misunderstood and labeled as evil or scary by those who have not yet mastered self-control."
"It seems like labeling people is not a good idea."
"I think you are right."
"It also seems like everything you hear is not always true."
"I couldn't agree more."