Thursday, November 17, 2011

Truth and Thanks

This fall, my kids have been involved in a series of art classes through Bethany College. These classes are part of the college's student teaching practicum for their art education majors. Naturally, they had a Thanksgiving theme this week where they honored the native peoples of North America for the knowledge and insights they shared with the pilgrims. To this my 6 year old son raised his hand and announced, "Yes,and then the Europeans repaid the Indians by giving them smallpox!"

Sometimes you just can't stand in the way of Truth.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Kings and Queens of Freedom

"There shall be no solution to this race problem until you, yourselves, strike the blow for liberty." ~Marcus Garvey~

"If women want any rights more than they've got, why don't they just take them, and not be talking about it." ~Sojourner Truth~

"Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” ~Haile Selassie I~

"I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear." ~Rosa Parks~

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."
~Mohandas Gandhi~

"Organize, agitate, educate, must be our war cry."
~Susan B. Anthony~

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I spent the major part of the morning hunting morel mushrooms in the damp, dewy woods with my kids. Although we are no strangers to forest hikes, this was our first fungi scavenging mission. We have hunters in our family and have been on animal sighting expeditions before so we were all aware of the importance of both grace and discretion. There was a competitive anticipation in the air and with the possibility of feasting on our discoveries, we set off furtively along the narrow trail. Soon leaving the trail altogether and venturing further away from charted territory, we stumbled upon some mushrooms. Four different varieties, in fact, but so far not the elusive morel. As the minutes turned to hours and our optimism slowly waned, we decided to play a game with nature. We stopped moving. We stood perfectly still - almost holding our breath. Standing still as though placing the final tier on a house of playing cards. And as we stopped and gave our attention to the world around us, we realized something of great importance: Life exists outside of us.

The divine green moss which was growing on the fallen maple tree beside us was concealing not one but three sleepy toads tucked lovingly in her soft velvety blanket. A robin was quietly surveying us from her nest overhead. And a team of ants were skillfully working in complete symbiosis with the decaying debris. We saw large holes in the rich, black dirt where other animals were likely waiting patiently for us to continue on our journey. The earth which seemed uneventful and even fruitless just moments ago was now vibrant with activity. Then, there on the ground, only inches from my boot, was this masterpiece of beauty. Standing only three inches tall but holding all the world's glory was our first morel.

It had been standing there all along, just waiting for us to notice.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Adaptation: All Hallows Eve

This morning I had an enlightening conversation about the origins of Halloween with two unlikely characters: Darth Vader and the Cheshire Cat (played magnificently by my son and daughter).

"Where does this Halloween tradition come from?"
"It comes form 'Samhain', the ancient Celtic festival in which the ancestors are honored as they pass between this world and the Otherworld. Bonfires are lit, people give thanks for the bountiful harvest, and purification rituals acknowledge the passing of one year into the next."
"Well if it appears to be a Pagan tradition, why do Christians celebrate it?"
"Because Pope Gregory III moved the Christian holiday 'All Saints Day' from May to November 1st in an attempt to steal some of this celebratory thunder and put out the Pagan fire."
"Well what do witches have to do with Halloween and why do they always look scary and green with a wart on their nose?"
"Well, my darlings, witches and druids are people who have learned to harness their power - the power we all have within us. But often is the case where powerful people are misunderstood and labeled as evil or scary by those who have not yet mastered self-control."
"It seems like labeling people is not a good idea."
"I think you are right."
"It also seems like everything you hear is not always true."
"I couldn't agree more."

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What's on your list?

Passion and humor, musical delight,
hard work, straight talk, challenge and fight.
Herbs and healing, heights and divinity,
mangoes, mangroves and Jah's Holy Trinity.
Grace and overstanding, peace and light,
roots, culture, strength and might.
Truth and love, fiyah and wata,
the blessings I get from mi son and mi dawta.

Giving thanks always and in all ways,
Good over evil everytime!

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Road

Pushing along Interstate 70, the Grateful Dead bluesing on the stereo, I am lost in a panoramic dream of endless mesas and plateaus. I reflect on where we have come and where we are going.

We have just conquered Colorado - hiking mountainous trails with a heavy heartbeat as the paths wind their way to the final summits. From the tops of these peaks it becomes clear why the Rocky Mountains are so named. But even with this clarity the question begs, "Why am I called to come here?"

I turn back down the trail to catch my daughter smiling thoughtfully at the kaleidoscope of wildflowers that melt into a patchwork design across the valley below. A mix of amazement and serenity dance in her eyes.

It is the same amazement that I feel every time I load up my car, or hop on a bus, or strap on my pack and head for somewhere new. It can happen on the top of a mountain, beside the ocean, at an art museum, or even in the dancehall. Inspiration holds no boundaries or requirements. As long as we search for it, inspiration always answers the call.

I have long since known where to find my inspiration. Kerouac knew it, Che Guevara embraced it. It beckons, it nourishes, it defeats and even destroys. But most of all it inspires - and that is why we come.

Those who feel it, know it. And those who don't can stay home and watch tv.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Jah Love

"As we do not practice or permit discrimination within our nation, so we oppose it wherever it is found. As we guarantee to each the right to worship as he chooses so we denounce the policy which sets man against man on issues of religion. As we extend the hand of universal brotherhood to all, without regard to race or color, so we condemn any social or political order which distinguishes among God's children on this most specious of grounds."

~His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I~

Giving thanks to the crusaders of yesterday
who have righteously paved the way
for the freedom fighters of today!